
“It is our mission to glorify God by coming along side of individuals and families who seek to experience the transformational healing of Jesus Christ.  Through counseling we seek to guide people toward healing, Biblical maturity, more effectively serving God and loving others.”

We have a passion for all people to discover the heart of God.  So often, it seems, we look around at the Christians near us, and most seem satisfied with their lives.  We are left feeling alone and inadequate, perhaps even guilty, and wondering what we are doing wrong, believing that if we just try harder we will be more content, fulfilled and successful.

At Redemption, we believe that God wants us to let our desires and feelings lead us to Him, rather than fear, squash or ignore them.  They are God’s gift to us, what sets us apart from the rest of creation, and the source of our wellspring of Life.  Jesus wants to be invited into the darkest and most painful places in our lives so that He can be King of those as well.  God is certainly not afraid of the dark, though we often are.  We believe we cannot fully know who we are made to be without knowing the wounds we have received in the enemy’s attempt to steal, kill and destroy what God has declared good.  Rather than ignore our wounds, we are called to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.  It is in the valley that we will discover the comfort of His rod and staff.  It is in the valley that we sit beside quiet waters and in green pastures where He restores our souls.  And it is through the valley that we come to believe, out of full and overflowing hearts, that “surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.”

At Redemption we hear the call of Jesus and of Christianity first as a call to Life, in all its messy, beautiful and paradoxical senses.  It was Jesus who told us that to find our life, we must first lose it.  He also says He wants all of your heart, soul, mind and strength.  Every last bit; Even if it means you lose your eye or your hand in the process.  Any who truly wish to heed His call, will no doubt be asked to sacrifice in the most costly ways.  Jesus is relentless in His pursuit of those He loves too much to abandon. We counsel with the goal of helping others to discover the Heart of God that desires to give to them so much more than He requires of them, without minimizing the cost of laying down his or her life.  Expecting they will walk away thirsting for Living Water and able to give themselves to and for the people God has placed in their life, just as Christ gave Himself for them.  This is Christian maturity, and is the ultimate goal of all of our counseling.